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烈酒迷情  The spirits

暖于情  Warm in love

清风挽发  Breeze hair

如何挽留  How to stay

君临天下  Harbourside

清酒暖风.  Warm sake.

已尽力.  Have tried.

一幕锥心  Cone Center

无助°  Helplessness

轻酌一酒  Drink a wine

看你慌  See you panic

羁绊一生  Fetters life

多久情事  How long the

累觉不痛  Feel no pain

时光挽歌  Time Requiem

暖风依旧  Is still warm

赠人玫瑰.  Give a rose.

忘川往南  South Sichuan

莫要寻欢  Don\"t be fun

俗了清风  Vulgar breeze

太过煎熬  Too suffering

梦旅人  Dream traveler

逆光i  I backlighting

抵不过回忆  But memories

回忆带刺  With memories

赴一场流浪  Go to a stray

心太累  Heart too tired

我还溺爱  I also spoiled

思念太重  Miss too heavy

囚于心  Prison at heart

温良寄她  Send her gentle

愿有岁月  May it be years

爱你不走  Love you not go

最佳听众.  Best listener.

良人未归途  Is not the way

像旧友  Like old friends

各不相干  Each irrelevant

怪我当真  Blame me for it.

初衷  Original intention

闲叙老友  Idle old friends

别回头  Don\"t look back.

马车书信  Carriage letters

挥动翅膀  Wave their wings

森屿暖树  Forest warm tree

虚伪的卖萌  False sell Meng

谁为情种  Who is the lover

阳光仍在  The sun still in

昨日晴空  The sky yesterday

相爱太早i  Love too early I

若你碰到他  If you touch him

旧街良人  The old man street

清风伴.  A pleasant breeze.

眉间朱砂  Glabellum cinnabar

心甘情愿  Be most willing to

慢热怪友  Slow blame friends

清孤冷话  Qing Gu cold words

曾经我也爱笑ق  I love to laugh

右耳离人  From the right ear

沉默长了  The silence is long

犹在耳畔  Ringing in the ears

伞花遮头  Umbrella cover head

诗与远方  Poetry and distance

孤影窗台  They are the window

凉北离歌  The cold North Song.

与你长情.  And your long love.

时光路人.  Time to passers-by.

情深不寿  Love is not the life

时光衬人  Time contrast person

烈酒与茶凉  Liquor and tea cool

酒似淡了  The wine seems light.

我念故人归  I read an old friend

一转身就是永远.  A turn is always.

忘年祭陌  Lunar Festival Street

温柔后的冷漠  Tender indifference

吐不出咽不下  Spit out and swallow

牵绊至白首。  Hold to the elderly.

Liquor(烈酒)  Liquor (spirits)

梦醒人离.  Wake up from the people.

烈酒识故人。  The old general spirits.


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